Should I try Telehealth Therapy? 4 Questions to ask Yourself

Almost overnight, psychologists and mental health providers turned to telehealth in response to the COVID pandemic. Therapist couches quickly gave way to virtual rooms, and people in treatment were able to continue receiving treatments.

As a result, telehealth therapy is becoming a more popular way to seek mental health treatment. Although it may seem like a new concept, telehealth therapy has been around for many years. 

How does telehealth therapy work?

Telehealth therapy works by providing mental health treatment through video conferencing, phone calls, or email. This allows patients to communicate with their therapist from the comfort of their own homes. Telehealth therapy is a great option for people who cannot or do not want to leave their homes for treatment.

Today, telehealth can treat most mental health issues. Various kinds of therapy can be provided, including group therapy, couples therapy, and addiction treatment. Of course, telehealth cannot deliver specific treatments that include other interventions, such as neurofeedback or transcranial magnetic stimulation. However, most mental healthcare providers provide the majority of their services via telehealth.

The benefits of telehealth therapy

The main advantage of telehealth for mental health treatment is accessibility. When you have a quality audio-visual connection, you can do your psychotherapy and mental health treatment very well and achieve the same results as you would in an in-person session. Beyond the treatment flexibility, telehealth therapy offers the same benefits as the traditional treatment, including:

  • Reducing stress

  • Improving mental health

  • Improving communication skills

  • Providing a sense of anonymity

Additionally, consistency is essential after the first appointment. You could miss an appointment due to life obstacles such as childcare issues, working late, illness, or severe weather. Virtually attending an appointment eliminates most of these factors. 

Four questions to ask yourself before trying telehealth therapy

1. What are your expectations?

Before you try telehealth therapy, it's important to ask yourself what you hope to gain from this experience. Are you looking for a way to supplement in-person therapy sessions? Or do you want to use telehealth therapy as your primary form of treatment? Knowing your expectations can help you choose.

2. What is your schedule? How can you integrate telehealth therapy into your routine?

Another important factor to consider before trying telehealth therapy is your schedule. Do you have a flexible schedule that would allow you to meet with a therapist during traditional business hours? Or do you need a therapist that accommodates your evening or weekend availability?

3. Are there any restrictions to using telehealth therapy?

It's important to find out if there are any restrictions to using telehealth therapy before you get started. For example, some telehealth therapy providers only work with clients in specific states. Others may have age or condition-specific restrictions.

4. What is the quality of care? How can you be sure you are getting quality telehealth services?

When you're considering telehealth therapy, it's important to ensure you're getting quality care. First, check out the telehealth provider's credentials. Make sure they are licensed in your state and have experience treating patients with similar issues to yours. You should also read online reviews to get an idea of what other people have experienced. Finally, ask the telehealth provider about their confidentiality policies and procedures. It is important to ensure that your private information stays safe and secure.

Telehealth therapy is a convenient and affordable way to get quality mental health care. However, it's important to do your research before you start. Asking yourself these four questions can help you with that. 

How to stay motivated during my treatment

Maintaining motivation during telehealth therapy can be a challenge, but there are a few things you can do to stay on track. First, make sure you have realistic expectations. It's important to remember that telehealth therapy is not a magic cure-all, and it will take time and effort to see results. Second, set goals for each session and track your progress. It will help you see the benefits of telehealth therapy and keep you motivated to continue. Finally, schedule regular check-ins according to your therapist's treatment plan. It will help ensure that you are getting the most out of your telehealth therapy sessions.

For more tips on how to stay motivated during your treatment, check our previous blog post The Top 5 Ways to Stay Motivated During Your Telehealth Therapy Treatment.

Levelheaded Mind provides high-quality mental health education to empower you in making informed decisions about your mental health care. Our mental health coaching services incorporate a holistic approach that focuses on building resilience for our clients. If you would like to receive 1:1 guidance on how to move forward on your mental health care journey, consider scheduling an initial mental health coaching session to level up your mental health and get unstuck.


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