High-Quality Mental Health Coaching

  • Mental Health Coaching

    Mental health coaching is individualized and will provide 1:1 support in determining what is needed to guide you toward your desired goals.

    This may include but is not limited to:


    Evidenced-based education in current treatments and medication taper plans

    De-prescribing Guidance

    Help you determine if your current treatment plan is right for you.

    Learn Resilience-Building practices

    Learn which lifestyle modifications will suit your mental health needs

    Learn which laboratory analysis will help to identify the root causes of your mental illness

    Understand the gut-brain axis and how to leverage it to alleviate your mental health symptoms

    ✔ Working 1:1 with a coach will ensure individualized planning, goal setting, and support.

    ✔ In each meeting, the client chooses the focus of the conversation.

    ✔ The coach listens and contributes observations and questions. This interaction creates clarity and moves the client into action.

    ✔ Coaching accelerates the client’s progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice.

    ✔ Coaching concentrates on where clients are now and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be in the future.

    ✔ The results are a matter of the client’s intentions, choices, and actions, supported by the coach’s efforts and application of the coaching process.


  • 60-Minute Initial Coaching Session $300

    Review of your current mental health symptoms, current lifestyle practices, and influences on your mental health.

    Discuss your mental health goals and create a personalized action plan to reach your goals.

  • Mental health coaching. 30 minute visit

    30-Minute Mental Health Coaching Session $150

    Follow-up session to review action plan and goals, provide accountability and support towards obtaining your mental health goals, and/or answer any questions you may have regarding your mental health.

  • Extended Mental Health Coaching Session $250

    60-minute extended follow-up session to review action plan/goals, provide accountability, and guided support towards obtaining your mental health care goals.

My Name is Jezel Rosa and I am a Resilience/Mental Health Coach

Life is full of twists and turns and sometimes life gives us an open road and we veer on that path pedal to the metal.

Then all of a sudden we come to a speed bump, we slam on the brakes and stop, we go over it slowly and continue on our path and think "Whew, it was just a speed bump"

Speed bumps happen in life, some are big, others are small. They are there for us to slow down and reflect. Were we going too fast? Is there something we need to learn about the journey or about ourselves?

If you live long enough, you'll come to realize that speed bumps are unavoidable, and it's all in how you view them that will make all the difference.

You see, I have gone over many speed bumps in my life:

Childhood Abuse
Domestic Violence
Workplace bullying
Hurricane Irma

You get the picture...

The thing that sets me apart from others who have experienced the same things, yet let the speed bump stop them and never move forward is my mindset.

I didn't realize this until I started studying resilience and trying to figure out what made me so different than others in my life who experienced similar circumstances, yet chose to let these obstacles define them, instead of overcome them.

They decided to look at the glass as half empty, to let the speed bump stop them because they felt the speed bump was so big they could not see to the other side.

If that is you and you are stuck, I am here to tell you that if you have a pulse, there is hope!

Many people struggle with life challenges and don't know how to cope.
I help them build resilience, mental fitness, and positive coping skills, so they will overcome life's many challenges and develop a levelheaded mindset.

A levelheaded mindset is a resilient mindset.

Resilience is not only the ability to overcome obstacles and rise above, that is only one part.

Resilience is also the capacity to cope with stress, your attitudes towards life, how you use your talents, and strengths, and the capacity to make use of resources, your support system, and your community.

Resilience is understanding that physical and mental health are synonymous and you can't have one without the other.

Resilience is multi-factorial, much like building a house, it has many parts that must come together or it all falls apart.

The four pillars of resilience are:
Physical and Mental Health
Personal Skills

The 2 Protective Factors are:
Your Rugged Qualities
Your Resources

When you become a member of The Levelheaded Mindset Coaching Program you will master all of these skills which will lead to success, growth, leadership, and overall well-being.

If you are still unsure about how our program can support you, give us a call!

The Levelheaded Mindset Coaching Program is right for you if ...

✔ You have already experienced adversity, trauma, or obstacles, and feel stuck.

✔ Understand that traumatic events and obstacles are bound to happen and want to build resilience to bounce back quickly.

✔ Want to develop emotional regulation skills that will keep you calm and levelheaded during challenging situations

✔ Want to develop a levelheaded mindset that is synonymous with leadership, persistence, grit, and success!

✔ Looking to live your life to its fullest potential without restraint or regret!